Hello sporty population!
Let’s gather around and play some badminton together with people from around the world!
IMPORTANT! Spots are limited, so make sure you reserver yours through meetup: meetup.com/miitti1/events
We will play in Talihalli Huopalahti. Court numbers will be announced later on; you can come directly to the courts or meet us at the entrance a bit before 11am.
MIITTI welcomes everyone to its events regardless of background or gender. You don’t have to have any skills at all to come and play with us, and if you do, please come and coach us!
Event is free, but please bring your rackets and indoor shoes, or you can rent (racket) from the hall for 3€ each.
After badminton, we’ll enjoy Talihalli’s sauna and maybe go to a local restaurant to grab some lunch after the game.
Warm welcome!
For questions and more information, please contact Alaa 040 5656096
If you want to be part of the MIITTI community, follow us on our other platforms:
WhatsApp: chat.whatsapp.com/BgHNflAnTNA5d0gh0shw7A
(you have the option to keep your number hidden in the settings)
IG: instagram.com/miitti1
Meetup: meetup.com/miitti1
Web: lapinlahdenlahde.fi/en/projekti/miitti/