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Lapinlahti’s current operations as a centre for art, free culture, mental health and small businesses is under threat. Helsinki city is looking to sell the property to a private, multi-national investment company, who’s plan is to commercialize the area.

If you have been touched by the spirit of Lapinlahti and feel that it’s operations are worth preserving then we ask you to kindly sign the municipal residents’ initiative:

Secure the public ownership of Lapinlahti!

By signing the municipal residents’ initiative, you demand that the City of Helsinki continues to be the main owner of the Lapinlahti area, park and buildings and secures the future of Lapinlahti. Lapinlahti IS for everyone!

Lapinlahti IS…

Lapinlahden Lähde Infographic
Lapinlahti infographic

and all this we might loose…

Helsigin Päivä kasvomaalaus lapinlahden lahde kuva jennifer ramirez
Nukketeatteri Lapinlahden Lähde
sahansoito kurssi kuva
Meditating together miitti
Pyöräilyä Lapinlahden Lähteellä

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Sign the residents initiative to save Lapinlahti. I signed, you should too!