Escape to happiness -Building happiness

Latest news
The project has so far collected good practice in supporting adult well-being from all countries. The best have now been selected and a guide will be published, presenting 40 good practices in promoting well-being. The guide will be of use to all counsellors and teachers working with adults in different sectors and organisations.
The ‘Booklet of Good practices’ has been published!
Download the shorter guide (56 pages) here.
Read the full-length guide (137 pages) here.
When the translation is completed, links to the Finnish guides will also be available on these pages. Lapinlahti Source’s own wellbeing practices are:
- Community gardening
- Miitti Inclusion model
- Supported volunteering
- Mental health first aid course
- Working together for sustainable development
- Platform for Culture and Well-being
- Reducing loneliness by lowering the threshold
- Adding Mindfulness to any group activity
- Art methods, art openness
An escape room for adult wellbeing is on the way
In the next phase of the project, we will create a welfare-themed escape game. The Lapinlahti escape game working group is open to anyone interested! Contact project coordinator Taina Laaksoharju, tel. 040 172 8181. Next meeting on 10.10. at 16.30 in the Open Space of Venice (1st floor). See slides from previous meetings here.