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Mental Health First Aid Course 1

Mental Health First Aid Course 1

  • Milloin:
    17.05 - 18.05
    kl. 00:00
  • Järjestäjä:
  • Hinta:


Welcome to free Mental Health First Aid 1® course!

This 2-day course is for everybody interested in improving their mental health skills.

IMPORTANT: Participation is free of charge, but spaces are limited. Kindly register by booking a place here.

Short information about the training:
You can boost your mental health and learn mental health skills throughout your life. The training suits everybody interested in improving their mental health skills and provides information and tools for a building a mental health friendly everyday life.

During the training we will go through the following themes:

▪ What is mental health?
▪ Emotional literacy
▪ The many crises of life
▪ Going through integration as psychological crisis
▪ Social interaction
▪ Life balance
▪ Resilience

Course is in English and the training includes a book as course material. Book is available in English, Finnish, Swedish and Arabic.

Time: Friday 17th of May at 17-21 and Saturday 18th of May at 9-17

The certificate for participation will only be given to those participating on both days.

‘Tallipääty’, MIITTI office, ground floor in the main building (on the left-hand side in the courtyard; look for MIITTI signs on the windows – Check this video on finding Tallipääty from Ruoholahti Metro Station: )
Lapinlahden Lähde,
Lapinlahdenpolku 8
00180 Helsinki

Training and materials are developed by MIELI ry.
Course is facilitated by Nonni Mäkikärki ja Johanna Cresswell-Smith.

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Tulevat tapahtumat

Phen menge kaalo-näyttely
12.04 - 10.05 kl. 10:00 - 16:00

Kukkuu Kollektiivi: Varjoja ja valon pilkahduksia -näyttely
01.05 - 31.05 kl. 12:00 - 17:00

Johanna Karttunen: Kangastuksia lapsuudesta
03.05 - 23.06 kl. 12:00 - 17:00

Rento mieli ja keho
08.05 kl. 16:00 - 17:00

Kielenvaihtokulma suomi/arabia
08.05 kl. 17:00 - 19:00


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